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The Importance of Updating WordPress Plugins

Websites act as the platforms, shops, and gateways that connect businesses with their consumers in the digital world, where the …


WooCommerce and Payment Gateways Explained

You want to run an online store but you do not know where to start. The first thing you need …

How ToWordpress

How To Use WordPress When You’re Not Tech Savvy

You’ve just finished having your website built, and now it’s time for you to maintain the site on your own!  …

eCommerceTechnologyWeb DevelopmentWordpress

A Beginners Guide to the Most Popular Web Development Programming Languages

HTML: HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and is usually the first web development programming language anyone starting out in …

Update Wordpress
BloggingBusinessDigital MarketingeCommerceWebsite DesignWordpress

Why Your Website Should be Built on WordPress

WordPress is a free, open-source website creation platform and is used on nearly one-third of the world’s websites. WordPress websites …

common website mistakes
DesignHow ToWeb DevelopmentWebsite DesignWebsite MaintenanceWordpress

Editing Your Elementor Website

As you know, there are so many ways to build a website, whether it is the type of coding language, …

Troubleshooting Common Wordpress Errors
Website MaintenanceWordpress

Troubleshooting Common WordPress Errors

Troubleshooting Common WordPress Errors can be a difficult task, and it is important to resolve these errors as quickly as …

Website DesignWebsite MaintenanceWordpress

Do I Need Add-ons For Elementor?

Here at Nextfly, there is a running joke that I must own stock in Elementor. I am the biggest advocate …

Essential Elements of a Landing Page
BloggingBusinessContentHow ToWeb HostingWebsite DesignWebsite MaintenanceWordpress

How to Use WordPress When You Are Not Tech Savvy

Many people that come to Nextfly to look for a website are shocked to hear that we give most all …

Website Errors
How ToWeb HostingWebsite DesignWebsite MaintenanceWordpress

Where to Go For These Errors!

While there are quite a few website errors that you can fix on your own, there are also many that …

ContentHow ToWebsite MaintenanceWordpress

At Home Website Troubleshooting

Have you ever been in the middle of updating your website and seen an error screaming at you from across …

Update Wordpress
Cyber SecurityHow ToWebsite MaintenanceWordpress

Update WordPress Safely On Your Website

One of the most important things a website owner should do to keep their website secure and functional is to …