
Social Media

Social Media Myth 2: It’s Okay To Have the Same Content

Managing social media sites is time consuming, especially if you are a small business with not an excessive amount of ...

Social Media

Social Media Myth 1: Be Everywhere!

New social media sites come out all the time. In fact, just this January Twitter launched a new video-sharing mobile ...

Social Media

Breaking Down Social Media Myths

There are a lot of myths out there about social media. This week I am going to spend time breaking ...

Social Media

Launching a Social Media Presence

At Nextfly we work alongside a lot of small businesses to help them establish their online presence. One of the ...

Website DesignWebsite Maintenance

A Quality Testimonial Page

Every website is used in different ways, but they both have two important tasks that they should accomplish: developing credibility ...

AppsBloggingSocial Media

The iPhone Home Screen Cleanse

After writing my blog article last week about my iPhone’s home screen, I was met with a lot of criticism from friends. “You have ...


My iPhone’s Home Screen

I was looking at an article at my friend’s blog, Schwarz Tech that profiled a friend of his’ iPhone home ...


Gmail New Features

A week or so ago Google rolled out new features to Gmail, it’s email service. The main new feature launched ...

BloggingSocial MediaVideo

Internet April Fools

On April Fools Day, loads of people around you might try their hand at a prank or two. Maybe it’s ...

BloggingSocial Media

The Day I Unplugged

Last week in my most recent blog post I challenged myself to “unplug for the day” this weekend. The guidelines were ...

BloggingSocial Media

Unplug for a Day

March 1st-2nd was the National Day of Unplugging in the United States. This campaign was launched with the idea that ...

Social MediaVideo

Super Bowl Digital Strategies

Growing up I was obsessed with the Super Bowl. Being a Bears fan, you know that this not because my ...