How To Impress Website Visitors

Accumulating website traffic can be a challenge, so when you do attract visitors, you want to make sure to provide a good impression. By deploying the tips below, you can help your organization impress website visitors and improve your chances of turning them into customers.

Simple Ways To Impress Website Visitors

Provide Social Proof About What You Offer

You can only talk about how great your products or services are for so long before the audience tunes you out. By providing evidence of outside parties giving credibility to what you do, you’re much more likely to establish trust with and prove yourself to your website visitors. Examples of social proof include industry certifications, awards, positive customer reviews, case studies, and complimentary stories mentioning your brand.

provide social proof to impress website visitors image shows people on laptop computers

Maintain Branding Consistency

There can be times when you’re in a rush and must hurriedly add new information or pages to your website. But make sure to continuously check that you’re following your brand guidelines. Pages should look like they’re related to each other when visitors are navigating through your website. A consistent and reliable presentation of information helps build trust and solidifies your unique brand in the minds of visitors.

Be Authentic With Your Images

Don’t rely solely on generic and stock images. This can be tempting to do when you don’t have the budget or personnel for consistent photography. However, you want to ensure your website visitors get to know the real you with photos of your team, work, products, and headquarters. By doing so, you can differentiate yourself from your competitors and be transparent about what you have to offer.

Contact NEXTFLY® For Web Design Guidance

If you’re looking for help with your next project, don’t hesitate to contact our team or call us at (317) 219-3111. For additional web design advice and other ways to impress website visitors, you can also follow along with the NEXTFLY blog