Developing a website is a lot of work. You have to think about what purpose the site has for your company, what content you want on it, what you want it to look and feel like, etc.
After you get the site up and running – you may think you can sit back and relax, but that is not the case! Here is a list of things that you need to do to keep your website up to date!
- Website Content Update – It is important to regularly update the content on your website. Whether it is information on new products/services you offer or news about your company, keeping the viewer/customer notified is always important. You don’t want people to think the website and/or company is closing because you haven’t been there in a while.
- Post-New Photos/Videos – Show off your company and its services by taking pictures/videos with photos of new product launches, company events, or even in the office! Display what your company is about visually, not just verbally.
- Start a Blog – Write about things going on in your company, in the industry, or
even about what is going on in your life. Have it featured on your website in the menu so it is easy to find? One thing though: make sure that if you do start ablog, you keep on a regular posting schedule. Just like a website, you need to develop new blog content on a semi-frequent basis.
Although these may seem like a lot of work, they don’t have to be. By designing your website in a Content Management System you can effortlessly update your website whenever you get new content. Content management systems (CMS) also allow you to easily integrate your blog, which helps your website become search engine-friendly.
If you need assistance in turning your website into a CMS or want to start a blog, get in touch with Nextfly at 317-219-3111. We’d love to help!