Web Hosting Is Critical To Your Website’s Success

Web hosting is important when you’re launching a website. Everyone’s first concern when launching a website is its aesthetics. The site may look awesome, but if the site is on an unreliable server, then no one will be able to access your site. The choice of hosting is way too often overlooked and choosing the wrong host could be harmful to your business.

There are many different hosting providers out there so it is important to understand why this decision matters so much. There are many factors to consider when making your decision, so it’s important to consider them all. Here are some reasons why Web Hosting is critical to your website’s success.

Web Hosting ServerWeb Hosting Needs To be Reliable

You want your website available to customers, and you don’t want your website to be the reason why you’re constantly losing business. Consider choosing a web host that has an uptime guarantee. If your site frequently goes down, you will lose a lot of potential revenue. Potential customers won’t be able to view your blogs or learn about your products and services. If you have an online store, you will lose any potential sales while your site is not up. An example of this is when Amazon had a 40-minute downtime that cost them around $5 million. Although your loss may not be as large as Amazon’s, choosing the wrong web host can cost you.

Hosting Affects Website Loading Speed

The time it takes for your website to load is important. Most users only wait 6-10 seconds for a page to load. Slow load times will hurt you, and potential clients will become bored and leave if they have to wait too long for your site to load.  Having a hosting server with slow load speeds will affect your SEO rankings.

IP Location Is Important To Rankings

The location of your web host can have a large impact on your rankings. IP addresses in the same country are grouped in search results. Hosting your website outside the country you’re located hurts your SEO rankings. Users outside the borders of the country that your hosting is in may experience slower load times.

Web Hosting Server Security

If your web hosting provider has poor server security, it will be detrimental to your website. Hackers will infect your site with malware, which will lead your site to be blacklisted by search engines. You must ensure that your web hosting provider has security technology available and malware removal support to defend your website from hackers.

Content Backups

It is easy, at some point, to accidentally delete important information from your website. That is why some web hosting providers have started offering automatic backups. This helps recover and restore a site after it has been hacked. You can back up your content yourself, but it is much easier for it to be automatically managed by your web host instead.

Contact Nextfly Web Design Today!

Are you looking to launch a new website or great hosting? Nextfly Web Design has you covered in both areas. We build and develop amazing websites as well as reliable hosting. To find out more about our hosting or other services, contact us today!