A Quality Testimonial Page

Every website is used in different ways, but they both have two important tasks that they should accomplish: developing credibility and establishing trust. Within seconds, a visitor of your website makes a quick evaluation of your company due to site quality.

A testimonial page a valuable resource for your company, as it is a way to bring the benefits of word of mouth into a digital realm.

Here are a few suggestions on how to develop a quality testimonial page for your company.

1. Provide Real Testimonials
It takes time to hear back from clients to start developing a good testimonial page.  Due to timing issues, it can be very tempting to write your own praises and publish them as “truth.” Fake testimonials are obvious and might not represent your company as effectively as a real one might!

2. Keep the Quality
Some companies go over the top with their testimonies. They have pages and pages of customer testimonies, and you get lost in them. If you are lucky enough to get a constant flow of customer testimonies, there is no need to post every one of them. It is important to be selective and choose just a few powerful influencers rather than dozens of less influential comments. These influencers come in a variety of forms, but you can start by identifying your repeat customers. For people and businesses that come back to use your company for its goods and services do so for a reason.

3. Offer Something in Exchange
It’s rare that as a customer you do a favor for the company you are doing business with, so it’s might be important to incentivize the client to participate. As your testimonial’s page will be on your website, the easiest thing to offer in return is a link back to the client website. Another option is that you could also offer a short company description of the at the end of the testimonial they provide. Doing this will make the testimonial seem more authentic and also provides exposure for your client and possibly direct traffic to their website!

4. Include the Negative!
Although it would be nice to hear nothing but great things about your company,  that isn’t realistic. Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong and expectations aren’t met. Website visitors know that when there’s nothing but raving reviews, the negative reviews have probably been filtered out. With a quick Google or Yelp search, customers can find the truth about your company. You can offset the damage of any negative reviews by inviting those who have not been entirely happy with your service to comment after you have resolved the issue.