How To Solve The Biggest Problems With a New Web Design

There are many times new clients come to us to develop a website with limited overall direction and much-needed guidance. Luckily, working with Nextfly, we help you make the most out of your web design as well as your overall online presence.

There are many issues that small businesses have when it comes to marketing, many of which can be solved with the help of a new or redesigned website. Below are five suggestions on how to solve problems and how Nextfly could provide the answers.

Problem: Many customers confuse you with your competitors.
Solution: The first impression of your business is crucial and your website design can make or break a potential customer’s overall opinion of your business. Template websites do not give your business the look your company deserves. Give your website a custom and professional look that best represents your business. Make your company stand out from the rest with a custom web design.

Problem: You can’t edit the content on your website without the help of a website designer.
Solution: Website use to be hard-coded and not user-friendly. Times have changed and now many business owners have looked towards new designs with Content Management Systems. A website with a content management system allows the common man the ability to upload images, add content and structure their website based on their preference.

Problem: Your website isn’t being found on Google.
Solution: Often times older websites are static designs or Flash-based. Unfortunately, static websites are not easy to edit and Flash websites aren’t indexed by Google. Nextfly builds websites on custom-built Content Management Systems and provides on-site optimization that targets your customers so they can find your business when searching for your industry.

Problem: Only a small percentage of your Facebook followers see your posts.
Solution: Don’t settle for reaching only an eighth of your audience, reach all of your clients and customers by building new pages and banners to promote your companies new products, sales and specials. With a new website design, you can place your marketing front and center for everyone to see.

Problems: Customers don’t know how to get in touch with you.
Solutions: With the help of a website, you can easily list your phone number, email and social media sites so your customers know how they can get in touch with you. You can also build out a contact form so you obtain the information that you need in order to best help them.

These five things are just a handful of ways a new website design could help your business. For more, get in touch with us! We’d love to help you get your business the online presence it deserves!