Homespun business websites need professional edge to compete

Seems everybody has a son, a brother, cousin or nephew who builds  websites on the side.

When these relatives design a website for a business or an organization, the owners of these sites think it’s “good enough” as-is.  Especially in those instances that someone from a professional web design firm contacts them about updating their existing sites.

They tend to be defensive – almost argumentative – about being approached by such a firm because they have a homespun website that they insist is “good enough” just the way it is.

What these business owners don’t realize is that “good enough” isn’t going to make it in terms of the highly sophisticated and competitive internet marketplace we’re dealing with today.

Web design in the past

Years ago all you had to do was put  a shingle on the Web and it was indeed “good enough.”  The Internet was a horse of an entirely different color back then. A website – any website – thrust online in those days achieved some sort of presence for that business, organization, etc.

Today?  Today, you need a serious, state-of-the-art website that encompasses the latest trends in e-commerce.  You need a professional web designer to make your business efficient, viable and highly relevant in search engine results.  Without that productive input, you are literally crippling your business presence online.

Relatives can indeed build websites.  That doesn’t mean they can build effective, successful websites.  That’s where turning to a professional web designer can transform your own home-spun business website into a serious entity in terms of e-commerce.

Business website design: Why you need an expert

First of all, keywords.

Has your son, brother, cousin constructed your website scientifically based on major keywords to bring your business or organization to the forefront on the Web?

Keywords are critical.

Not having your website keyword-focused from the start means that your site will be inevitably lost in the “back 40” of the Internet.

To find your business online, customers would have to insert your business’s name directly into their searches.  What are the odds of that?

Sure, some customers will search for you that way.  But what about all the new customers you want to attract online?  They just plain won’t be able to find you unless they are willing to search page after page after a dozen more pages and still maybe get…nothing.

Unfortunately, most prospective customers won’t put that much effort into their searches.  Within the first three pages of search engine results, studies have shown that website customers will buy from those websites.

What a shame…they aren’t buying from you.

A professional web designer will focus your website on those keywords to enable your site to achieve better search engine results for your business.

Contemporary graphics and content design, strong navigation, efficient e-commerce solutions. Can your relative professionally accomplish all of that with your website?

A professional web designer can.

After all, it’s his or her job to take your website “as is” and revamp, redesign and ultimately elevate it to the level where it is competitive in every sense of the word with other websites currently out there.

That web designer will give you an end result with your website that competes with the “best of the best” based on experience and expertise.

Can your relative promise you that?

What about  incoming links and directory submissions? Fixing your site’s broken links and optimizing your site overall for the Internet from the back end of your website? Has your relative who built your site enabled it with any special e-commerce features to ensure a smooth, glitchless experience for online customers?

This is where you need a serious web design company that also provides full search engine optimization along with your website’s design.

Without these essential ingredients, your website won’t achieve important Google Page Ranking enabling better search engine placement and an in-flow of customers following links on other sites.

The more you are able to gain incoming links through your website’s content offering outgoing links to “expert” websites, the more your own site gains better traffic in the long run.

Search engine optimization

Fixing broken links, deleting orphan content, enabling your flash programs to be crawled by search engine spider programs while also bringing into play an e-commerce system for purchasing as well as an optimized blog…it’s all very important.

That son, brother, cousin, nephew may have built you a wonderful website initially but it’s time to bring that website up to current contemporary and competitive standards.

A review of your homemade website is long overdue.

Get in touch with our web design specialists here at Nextfly for a free no-hassle consultation about your website.

You won’t be sorry if you do.

Debi Ketner is a professional internet marketer and search engine optimization specialist.  Read her here  in the Blog at Nextfly and share your thoughts!