Getting the scoop on web design from Brett Beck at Nextfly

World Wide Web in glowing letters

Every now and then, I get the chance to catch a couple of minutes with the Big Guy here at Nextfly.

While the others might be busy jaw-jacking about the latest news on CNN or how the  Colts are doing, I slide right up in there and shoot Brett Beck of Nextfly, a few good questions because he looks like the kind of guy who’s got some great off-the cuff answers.

For instance, I wanted to know:

*Should anyone buy one of those pre-packaged websites that are being hawked online?

Brett:  Before answering this question in detail, let’s identify exactly why you’re interested in a pre-packaged website.

Are you trying to save on cost?  Are you trying to do it yourself without the appropriate web skills?

Is this a pre-launch or a beta version of your product/service and you don’t want to spend the capital until you know what you could get back?

If any of these or similar questions enter your mind as the reason, please think twice!  Many times you will find yourself struggling to achieve the results your business plan is trying to achieve.

Moreover, using pre-packaged websites typically lead to a very impersonal visit from a potential prospect/customer which usually motivates them to leave.

If you’re going to choose a Content Management System (WordPress, Joomla, Mambo, etc..), I would strongly suggest AT LEAST having a custom template made for your site.  This will enable a more personalized visit and could lead to less people leaving your page.

In order to attain the highest possible results, it is imperative that you get intimate with the design, code, flow, usability, etc.  Pre-Packaged sites are not going to allow you to get anywhere close.

From something as simple as where your header image is or WHAT your header image is to where your menu bars show up on the page.  All of these ideas must flow together, in a very personalized fashion.

If you’re ready to get serious with a design that will lead to high sales conversions, speak with an Nextfly Consultant today.

Who knew what a big decision that would be for the future of your business?

*What’s the biggest mistake you see people do when they want a website made for them?

Brett:   They’re focused on price, not value.  If you could have a website built for $3,000 that includes all of the aspects of your business model, looks much nicer than all of your competitors, includes an e-commerce section, shows up on the first page of Google/Yahoo under your search criteria, and delivers solid sales numbers -You win!

This could potentially turn into a sales revenue stream your business has never seen before.  Spend the money now, to get BIG RETURNS later.

Now, if you go the more inexpensive route and only budget $500-$750 and have half or a quarter of what you really need, you’re not going to get the results you want and you will constantly be spinning your wheels in the mud trying to deliver big business out of a site that can’t support it.

Can’t argue with that advice.  Shoot, I was hoping to catch him in a big loophole with this one!

*Should businesses have laptops with aircards to check on their websites, iPod or Blackberry while traveling?

Brett:  That depends on the site.  If you have an interactive site with forums, chat rooms, blogs, etc, it would be a good idea to consistently be online posting pictures, movies, comments, or new blogs.  The more you can update your site with new relevant content, the better (for Google/Yahoo spiders).

I’ve updated my blog several times from my iPod, BlackBerry, and laptop.  I also cruise around to some of my favorite websites to see what’s going on with the same technology.

And here I thought he would think this such a dumb question that he’d send me sailing on his laughter from here to the company conference room!

*Some quick Brett Wisdom (on anything) in ten words or less?

Brett:   Take great pride in yourself; you’re the best at what you do!

You’ve gotta love it when the Head Honcho points his best ten-word wisdom right back at you, instead of pointing that finger of pride at his own business!

Bill Gates would even give that statement an appreciative nod.

Yeah, um, more later…it’s time to get back to work!