6 Ways Your Website Could Be Driving Your Customers Away

Whether you known it or not, your website is one of your powerhouse money making tools. It’s actually one of the best that you can have in your arsenal. It’s up to you how you use it. Does your current website pull in your customer? Show them who you are? Allow sales to go through seamlessly? Is it working for you or against you? We have outlined ways that your website could be killing your business.

Outdated Style

Question for you to ponder on the other side of this screen…is you site more than 5 years old? If you answered yes, then it’s time to talk. An outdated site with an old design doesn’t spark consumer confidence.

No Clear Call to Action

Say an ordinary user by happen stance falls upon your website, when they enter to see your homepage, do they know who you are? Do they know what you are about? Is it clear what you offer to your audience? You must provide a clear call to action. If you want the user to stick around.

Poor Images

Are your images showcased with high resolution? Are your images the same sizes? If not, you may want to take the risk of handing it over to a professional. Making the investment to have high-quality photos on your site could be a huge win for the over aesthetic for your site. Hire a professional photographer to ensure all of your photos represent who you are and the quality of service you provide.

Unresponsive Design

Many people search for information on the internet using their mobile devices. When they come across a site that looks wonky, because it was not optimized for mobile, this may be a big reason they are going with your competitor. When a site isn’t optimized for mobile, it may appear with improper layouts, to large or small fonts, and the experience is super unpleasant to your prospective consumers.

Excessively Verbose

Internet users do not like wordy websites. It’s a fact. Text is important to share necessary and often valuable information. However, the website cannot be one big block of text. You need images, infographics, videos, and/or charts to be an equal display of information you want your audience to have.

Bland Content

You know when you go to take a bite of a sandwich when you are so hungry and it just doesn’t taste like anything? And that feeling of disappointment because you built up in your head that this is what you wanted? Think about your website this way. Your customers come to your site looking for something and bland content can leave them severely underwhelmed. It’s important to provide factually accurate information. However, your presentation cannot be lackluster. People want to be entertained. In this day in age, unfortunately, people do judge books by their cover.

Contact Us

Did you answer yes to a lot of the questions above? If so, we can help. Reach out today, we can’t wait to work with you!