Preparing For A Website Design Consultation

Before you set aside time to speak with a web designer about your upcoming project, make sure you’ve collected your thoughts. By asking yourself (and answering) the following questions, you can start the meeting ready to discuss key areas and have a productive Website Design Consultation.

Website Design Consultation Questions

What is the goal of your organization? How will your website help you accomplish that goal?

A quality website is vital for any business in today’s digital age. But having one just because you should have one isn’t the appropriate mindset. Instead, make sure to outline how your website will support the mission of your organization. That way, there’s a clear direction to the project and the conversation can stay on a relevant track.

website design consultations discuss key business topics image shows two monitors on desk

What products or services do you want to promote?

Having a list or at least a general summary of your product and service offerings makes it easier for designers to grasp the scope of your project.

Also, if you wish to sell a collection of products directly from your website, a breakdown of your product catalog will come in handy. Without that, you and the designer may have difficulty identifying appropriate ecommerce options.

Who are your customers?

Providing details about the current or prospective customers you want finding and using your website will help designers understand your vision. Designers can also provide examples of their previous work that targeted similar audiences.

What features do you want your audience(s) to have access to?

Providing quality content (text, images, videos, etc.) for visitors to view is important, but you should also include ways to engage with your organization. Examples of common website features include form submissions, search bars, event calendars, and chatbots.

website design consultations review organizational goals image shows laptop on desk

Who are your competitors?

By providing the names of organizations you compete with, web designers can study your competitors’ websites. This can help designers better understand your industry and what your website will require to compete effectively.

Are there existing websites you like the look and feel of?

If you have any examples of websites you’d like yours to resemble, share them with the designer. Visualizing what you’re looking for can be easier than explaining with words.

Contact NEXTFLY For Your Website Design Consultation

By having the details above ready for discussion, you can efficiently explain your situation and what you’re looking for. To contact the NEXTFLY team, call us at (317) 219-3111 or complete our contact form.